Sunday, October 31, 2010

Law banning items from rearview mirrors is being rethought

1. This article talks about the law that states that you can not hang items from their rearview mirrors.  It states that the law it pointless and should be banned.  Or instead of being banned it should be changed that only large items can't be haning from the mirror.  However someone could argue what it to big and what is the right size.  This law is also now as just an excuse to pull people.  This article is mostly wondering if this law as any purpose at all.

2.  "Unless it's large and an obvious obstruction, it's just silly for police to pull somebody over for that. People aren't hurting anybody and they're not causing any danger."
I like this quote because it states the opinon perfectly.  That if the item is not big enough to block someone's vision and is not hurting anybody then the case should be left alone.

3. I agree with the fact that if the item does not block the drivers view of the road, then the driver should not be pulled over.  I also believe that if the law is not inforced then no driver should get a ticket.  If the driver does not even know about the law because it is not inforce then they should not be punished.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mitch Albom paper

 Kelsey Kaniuk           
Mr.  Brandt
AP Language
18 October 2010
It's not race, LeBron James, but it might be you
          The point that Mitch Albom is trying to say in this article is that even though race is that answer to many problems, it should not be an excuse to fall back on.  This country has many past, present, and future problems that will occur because of racism.  However it seems that when no given answer is good enough, racism is the answer given.  Although this is a very serious issue and should be taken to heart in every aspect of life, it should not be used to cover up the truth.
          I agree with Mitch Albom’s statement.  Racism is the cause of many issues but it is also the cause of many issues of which it does not belong.  Just because this amazing athlete is African American, does not make he a better athlete because of the color of his skin.   He is the amazing athlete he is because of God given talent and many hours of training. 
            But LeBron didn't become internationally famous with only black fans liking him, and he didn't reach this sudden infamy with only white fans bailing out.” I believe this is the most effective point of Albom’s article.  LeBron was not just loved by African American fans but also by white fans.  Just as he was most likely dislike by some African American fans as well as by white fans.  Furthermore, this dislike was probably mostly caused by Lebron’s talent and personality, not by the color of his skin.