Sunday, February 6, 2011


Friday's activity of not talking was very challenging.  I was not able to ask questions in class and understand what my friends were trying to communicate to me.  Trying to come up with pictures to discribe my questions or comments.
Although watching my friends acting out or drawing their statements was hiliarious.  The way Ashley got my attention was coughing super loud until I looked at her.  Also some teachers did not know that the AP Language classes could not.  Trying to explain to them, while not seeming crazy, that it was an assignment.
This assignment was very difficult to perform. I never realized how much I talk during a school day, or anyday.  Although I completed the assignment, I do not ever what to do it again.


  1. Kelsey, you are very right in saying, "watching my friends acting out or drawing their statements was hilarious." I did enjoy trying to think of what people were trying to communicate. I also enjoyed your picture.

  2. I like how you and Ashley came up with neew ways to get each others' attention because talking was not an option. It forced you to be creative and which is something, I think, Postman would want. Also when you said, "I never realized how much I talk during a school day, or anyday" is very true because we don't realize how valuable something is until it is gone.

  3. Kelsey- You're such a goofball. I do feel pretty special being mentioned in your blog what an honor! But that's besides the point...I do agree that trying to find new ways to communicate was the soul purpose to this experiment. As you saw it was quite a challenge which not only made all the teachers' Fridays alot more relaxing but also helped teach us the lesson trying to be taught.

  4. I agree with you, the assignment was challenging. I also found out that there was a number of teachers that were not aware of our silent assignment. The way you and your friends communticated was humorous and witty. I am also glad that you were among the strong ones that survived Friday.
