Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

2.       “ In the Name of Jesus, blessed Saints…” No
“Lamb that makes you holy…” Yes
“All Saints through Jesus Christ….” No
“With the Lamb slain…” Yes
“Jesus is the Lamb who took on your sin…” Yes
“Just as sure as the Lamb of God was slain…” Yes
“Dear Saints because of the Lamb…” No
“Jesus died your debt…” Yes
“Jesus rose and reigns…” Yes
“The Lamb slain…” Yes
“Jesus makes us alive to die no more…” Yes
“Good news of the Lamb doesn’t push heaven away from us…” Yes
“This is the place where Christ came and makes…” Yes
“Because the Lamb is there…” Yes
“The Lamb reigns now…” Yes
“With the Lamb you will live forever…” Yes
In the name of Jesus, Amen.” No
3.       Makes

Edwards’ sermon talks about the terrors of hell and the punishment that we truly deserve.  He scares you into believing instead of showing the love and mercy of God that we can take comfort in.  Though he does just five times mention Jesus and the comfort we can take in him, you don’t walk away from the sermon feeling saved.  However Rev. Borghardt’s sermon goes on and on about how we are saved through faith because of Jesus’ death on the cross. That because of God’s mercy we can look forward to a life time in Heaven with our Savor.


  1. I agree with you, Kelsey. Edwards definitely creates fear in his listeners. He does not give comfort to his listeners. Unlike Borghardt who mainly focuses on the salvation that we as believers recieve through Christ's death and ressurection.

  2. Kelsey,
    I like how you convey your beliefs into this blog post while still using the diagnostic. You said, "He scares you into believing instead of showing the love and mercy of God that we can take comfort in." I like how you used the word we to show that you are in the faith and still spoke on both sermons throughout the post.
    Carrie Freeman

  3. I felt you made a good point of showing that Edwards' talked of the true punishment deserved and than following it with the fact that it doesn't make you feel saved.

  4. I like how you mentioned the number of times Edward uses Jesus in his sermon because this can be compared to the number that Borghardt used His name, which you tallied at the top. That is a great way to show that Edward's sermon has way more law.

  5. Kelsey, I like the way you described Edwards' sermon and how you said,"he scares you into believing instead of showing the love and mercy of God that we can take comfort in." This is a very valid point.

  6. Kelsey, I like how you say that he "scares you into believing instead of showing the love and mercy." Then how you go on talking about the approachable style that Edwards has. It really shows the contrast between the two sermons.
