Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry CHIRSTmas!

This hymn describes Christ’s birth and the reason He came to save us.  This hymn using many language tools to show that great power and love Christ had for us to be willing to come down and live as a human. “Was the Word of God made flesh--Woman's Offspring, pure and fresh.” This quote is a great example of description. It describes how Christ was the living word that was given to us. “Hast o'er sin the victory won.”  This is also an example of ethos.  This quote shows that passion of Christ.  It shows that He had such passion to come down, lived among us, suffered and died, went to hell and rose victoriously.  “Savior of the nations, come, Virgin's Son.”  This is an example of logos.  Showing that Christ had to be born of a virgin and as a human to fulfill that script and to make it possible to save us all.  “Not by human flesh and blood, By the Spirit of our God.”  This example of diction shows that we can do nothing to save ourselves.  By choosing flesh and blood instead of body,  works or human strenght increases the impact it has on us. 

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