Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ugh...Postman talks alot...

In the last paragraph of Postman's book he talks about and just that we need to be reading and learning but we also need to understand it.  We need to understand what is happening in politics, education and disasters.  He talks about Brave New World and how everyone thought that the people had stop thinking and just laughed.  However the people were always thinking they just did not understand the problem so they laughed.  We need to know what is happening in the world and understand the issues. We need to stop watching the world, through the TV, or other ways and join the world.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Friday's activity of not talking was very challenging.  I was not able to ask questions in class and understand what my friends were trying to communicate to me.  Trying to come up with pictures to discribe my questions or comments.
Although watching my friends acting out or drawing their statements was hiliarious.  The way Ashley got my attention was coughing super loud until I looked at her.  Also some teachers did not know that the AP Language classes could not.  Trying to explain to them, while not seeming crazy, that it was an assignment.
This assignment was very difficult to perform. I never realized how much I talk during a school day, or anyday.  Although I completed the assignment, I do not ever what to do it again.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Are We Really Amusing Ourselves To Death??

During Postman's speech at Calvin College he states "that each day we should stop and hear a good song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and is possible speak a few reasonable words."  In Postman's book he states, "Our politics, religion, news, athletics, education and commerce have been transformed into congenial adjunts of show business...the result is that we are a people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death."  If we as one people did stop to hear a good song, read a good poem, see a fine pictured, and speak a few reasonable words, we could slow down the process of amusing ourselbes to death.
Postman also quotes a professor at MIT, "In the next millenium, we will find that we talk as much or more the machines, then we do humans."  In Postman's book he quotes the second commandment, "thou shalt no make unto thee any graven image, any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath the earth." By talking to more to machines then to humans we are creating a new god.  That machines will be put before humans and God himself.  by creating machines into the people's new god, we increase the process of amusing ourselves to death.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1. Linda Chavez is stating that as a free nation we are able to have freedom of speech, however we should considering the feelings and well being of others for we speak.  When we are in public, in the comfort of your own homes, with friends or family, we need remember civility in public discourse is important.

2. The word bellicose means to inclined or eager to fight, or to be aggressively hostile. By stating that politics have always been bellicose from the very begining, Chavez is saying that politics is like a battlefield.  when candidates uses phrases like, "took his best shot" or "firing a shot across the brow" they are using aggressive phrases to crash their opponent.  By being rhetorical, or belong to, this way of speak it keeps the nation from ability to fully express ourselves.

3. A) Chavez is attempting to persuade the readers to realize that just because the nation as a whole has freedom of speech does not give it the right to use it to cause others harm.  However the nation should also not be offended but words that have been adapted from their original means.  
B) For example the word "gay" original meant to be happy but society has changed its meaning into another word for homosexual.  By the nation be offended by the meaning that it itself creation is unsense. 

4. I agree with Charvez’s article.  I do believe that just because we have freedom of speech does not give us the right to abuse it.  Having freedom of speech is a privilege and should be used with care.  We should be civil in public.  We should remember that words hurt and that we should think before we act.  However we should not be offended by words that were created with different meanings.  By getting offended by someone calling you “gay” when gay original meant to be happy, is ridicules.  To avoid being offended by words created with a different meaning we need to stop changing the meanings of these word. We need to stop using these words against together.  By not using these words against each other, and not changing their meanings, we’ll have the ability to express ourselves fully.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Going to Harvard???

1. Semrau's point is to conserve, reuse, and recycle everything, including yourself.

2. By intentionally leaving out information Semrau makes his point even stronger.  By making it sound like he was going to Harvard to become a doctor at the age of 75 and making you believe that that college had excepted him, he made you think.  He was using his body to the fullest.  However he was exactly reusing his body.   Instead of enrolling to Harvard as a medical student, Semrau was enrolling to someday become a cadaver.  Semrau was going to be an anatomical gift.  Semrau decided that sense he can no longer conserve he was going to reuse himself so that other could recycle him. The intent of this essay was to not be wasteful.  Semrau is putting his body to good use even after his gone.  The world today throws away useful and valuable items every day.  All Semrau is asking is to stop and think.  Are we conserving, reusing, or recycle.  Semrau believes once item is no longer functional, then it is time to recycle.  The world as a whole needs to use all that it is given until it can no longer function.  So from now on we need to stop and conserve, reuse, and recycle.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry CHIRSTmas!

This hymn describes Christ’s birth and the reason He came to save us.  This hymn using many language tools to show that great power and love Christ had for us to be willing to come down and live as a human. “Was the Word of God made flesh--Woman's Offspring, pure and fresh.” This quote is a great example of description. It describes how Christ was the living word that was given to us. “Hast o'er sin the victory won.”  This is also an example of ethos.  This quote shows that passion of Christ.  It shows that He had such passion to come down, lived among us, suffered and died, went to hell and rose victoriously.  “Savior of the nations, come, Virgin's Son.”  This is an example of logos.  Showing that Christ had to be born of a virgin and as a human to fulfill that script and to make it possible to save us all.  “Not by human flesh and blood, By the Spirit of our God.”  This example of diction shows that we can do nothing to save ourselves.  By choosing flesh and blood instead of body,  works or human strenght increases the impact it has on us. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

2.       “ In the Name of Jesus, blessed Saints…” No
“Lamb that makes you holy…” Yes
“All Saints through Jesus Christ….” No
“With the Lamb slain…” Yes
“Jesus is the Lamb who took on your sin…” Yes
“Just as sure as the Lamb of God was slain…” Yes
“Dear Saints because of the Lamb…” No
“Jesus died your debt…” Yes
“Jesus rose and reigns…” Yes
“The Lamb slain…” Yes
“Jesus makes us alive to die no more…” Yes
“Good news of the Lamb doesn’t push heaven away from us…” Yes
“This is the place where Christ came and makes…” Yes
“Because the Lamb is there…” Yes
“The Lamb reigns now…” Yes
“With the Lamb you will live forever…” Yes
In the name of Jesus, Amen.” No
3.       Makes

Edwards’ sermon talks about the terrors of hell and the punishment that we truly deserve.  He scares you into believing instead of showing the love and mercy of God that we can take comfort in.  Though he does just five times mention Jesus and the comfort we can take in him, you don’t walk away from the sermon feeling saved.  However Rev. Borghardt’s sermon goes on and on about how we are saved through faith because of Jesus’ death on the cross. That because of God’s mercy we can look forward to a life time in Heaven with our Savor.